AP1331 extension with AP1301 - Inactive status of new AP

Hello, I had an AP solutions based on 2 AP1331 connected to OS6360-10 and I would like to extend to Wifi coverage by adding 2 AP1301. When I connected them, after some time difficulties, they appeared in the AP module but in inactive status.
When they are plugged, when I’m connected to the SSID VVX-Salon, then I can’t go on the Web (meaning that i’m connect to them from my point of viex but internet isn’t “loaded” on.
I try to change PoE cable, without success. I try to restart them, without success.
Can someone guide me to investiguate where the pb could coming from ?
Tks a lot for your support.

Hi, it’s a fallow discussion. Sorry. Any Stellar in AP group regardless of the AP model must be in the same software version and then normally the 2 APs 1301 join the group as members. There is nothing doing more in management if the APs are not members. software update is done by clicking on the group and on the AP “software update” the software is by AP model here then a software for AP1331 and another for AP1301
Hope this is helping

Tks Olivier, but the AP doesn’t stay “alive” enough time to permit to go in the update firmware menu. I try to find a way to have a repository to download firmware’s file, but I don’t found any. Can you share me a link where I can download them ?
As I can’t keep the config with 4 AP alive, what should I do ?
Can I unplug the 2 initial AP, connect the 2 news ones, upgraded them, disconnected them, reconnected the 2 initial ones (to keep the initial config) and add the news ones (via a factory reset maybe) to permit to add them ?
If you have another plan, I’m interested to discuss about it with you (in 1:1).
Tks in advance for your help.