First connection to AP 1221

Hello everyone. I hope you can help me.

We just got our AP 1221 and have it connected and running. The LED is blinking in green.

We found its IP-Address and are now trying to set it up for first use.

However, the configuration panel on ap-ip-address:8080 says "AP is managed by Omni Vista now, the Web Management System is not allowed to use."

How do I get access to configure this access point?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Hi, the "waiting for first contact" while you restarted the AP several times would mean that something is preventing the AP to access internet. can you connect to the AP through ssh (User id : support, Password : aos2016) and type "ocloud_show" to check what's the status on the AP and may be try try to do a nslookup on the activation server ("") to see if the connectivity is really OK ? generally speaking verify that you have met all of the Network and Device Prerequisites as described in the OV registration section help (NTP server ort port 123 for external NTP, port 443, DNS if using external DNS, etc. note that if you are using a web proxy the DHCP option would have to provide the necessary inputs (URL, port, username, etc.)

last point : what’s the version of the AP ("showsysinfo" on the cli) ?

Hi, it’s nice that you succeeded to troubleshoot your issue quickly. have a nice day.