How big can a linkagg be

Hello everyone,

We have a Cisco UCS Bladecenter, with 4x10G fiber LACP linkagg connected to a VC of two Alcatel OS6900-V48C8 Switches. And we want to add 4 ports additionally to that server.

Is a 8 port LACP linkagg to big? Or should we break the linkaggs to 2x4 10G LACP linkaggs?

Thank you in advance.



Not sure where this is coming from. According to the Specifications Guide, it’s 16.



Hello pmart,

Thank you for the reply. If I would create a linkagg with 16 ports.
Would there be any issue performance-wise?

Up until now we only had max. 4 port linkaggs.



sorry i wrote my previous post tired… i read your 4 and typed 4!

@charalampos is correct. max size is 16

its important to remember how linkaggs ‘share’ traffic and the type of traffic coming from your server. are you increasing the linkagg size due to bandwidth?

Hi Shizles,

yes, we have 4x 10Gb/s ports and we’re getting close to the 40Gb/s limit.
We were thinking of extending the LACP from 4 to 6 10Gb/s ports.


thats impressive, the fact your already using multiple nics sounds like your not having issues, increasing it should just work :slight_smile: