hello team,
how to setup banner on alcatel switches. OS6900 alcatel switches
hello team,
how to setup banner on alcatel switches. OS6900 alcatel switches
The switch manual provides information as follows. Hope this helps.
Two steps are required to change the login banner. These steps are listed here:
• Create a text file that contains the banner you want to display in the switch’s /flash/switch directory. • Enable the text file by entering the session banner CLI command followed by the filename.
To create the text file containing the banner text, you may use the vi text editor in the switch or you create the text file using a text editing software package and transfer the file to the switch’s /flash/switch directory.
If you want the login banner in the text file to apply to FTP switch sessions, execute the following CLI command where the text filename is firstbanner.txt.
-> session ftp banner/flash/switch/firstbanner.txt
If you want the login banner in the text file to apply to CLI switch sessions, execute the following CLI command where the text filename is secondbanner.txt.
-> session cli banner/flash/switch/secondbanner.txt
If you want the login banner in the text file to apply to HTTP switch sessions, execute the following CLI command where the text filename is thirdbanner.txt. -> session http banner/flash/switch/thirdbanner.txt
The banner files must contain only ASCII characters and should bear the .txt extension. The switch will not reproduce graphics or formatting contained in the file.