Hello everyone,
I have set up AD/LDAP for UPAM in Omnivista and then everything for the UNP rules for our OS6350. A laptop is now connected to port 1/1/1, on which I have wired authentication active.
I also tried the same thing via ExternalRadius.
The goal is 802.1X authentication.
We already have a working 802.1X Auth for wifi and the APs use the same Subnet, so i guess this is a switch-config or a switch-bug problem.
However, I get the following error in the Omnivista 2500 log.
Has anyone had this problem before and can help me?
I have gone through all the instructions on the Internet, all with the result of [null| null] in the Omnivista log. It seems that the packets are being transmitted incorrectly or empty.
Thanks in advance!