Voice vlan - Switch OS6550

Hello team,

I need a script for configure a voice vlan in my switch 0s6550, someone can help me?


i’m very rusty on AOS 6 but dug out the below.

tag your data port normally and then add the below for voice vlan.

vlan voiceVlanID mac range MacRangeStart MacRangeEnd
vlan port mobile 1/1-48

I’ve got a video guide coming shortly for AOS 8 using UNP :slight_smile:

In AOS8 you have to use UNP, like in this example, with mapping Data and Voice in 2 Vlans, and with a little QoS rules (you can add more profile if you wan, depending on mac-oui or something else) :

policy condition VlanVoix source vlan xxx
policy action PrioVoice priority 6 dscp 46
policy rule PrioVlanVoix condition VlanVoix action PrioVoice
policy list PolicyList1 type unp
policy list PolicyList1 rules PrioVlanVoix
qos port 1/1/1-48 trusted
unp profile “Data”
unp profile “Voix” qos-policy-list “PolicyList1”
unp profile “Data” map vlan xxx
unp profile “Voix” map vlan xxx

unp port-template Template-Data redirect-port-bounce direction both default-profile “Data” classification trust-tag admin-state enable

unp port 1/1/1-48 port-type bridge
unp port 1/1/1-48 port-template Template-Data
unp classification mac-oui 00:80:9f profile1 “Voix”
unp classification mac-oui 48:7a:55 profile1 “Voix”
unp user-role VoiceRole
unp user-role VoiceRole policy-list PolicyList1
unp user-role VoiceRole profile1 Voix